Updates on Rabbi Paysach Krohn via The Family

Update on Rabbi Pesach Krohn from his family:

B’siyata D’shmaya we have left Kessler rehabilitation Institute. Rabbi Krohn has improved beyond our expectations and we look forward to more progress.

We will be continuing his recuperation via home care.

Thank you for all your good wishes and especially for your Tefillos. We continue to be overwhelmed by the outpouring of Tehillim on our behalf.

The Krohn family thanks everyone for their tefillos and the zechusim that they have taken upon themselves. We are grateful to the many individuals who have gone above and beyond to help.

Rabbi Krohn has left Stamford Medical Center and is now in a rehab center where his recuperation will iyh continue. He has a journey ahead, but with all of the tefillos he will hopefully have a complete recovery.

Please keep davening for Paysach Yosef Ben Hinda.


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